However, was there any reason to expect anything more? The Ninja Turtles are not a franchise that suit an intellectual reboot from a Chris Nolan type who would pull the complex subtext of the franchise up to the surface.
It’s a movie that fulfills only the bare minimum of blockbuster expectations. The action scenes are expensive and almost incomprehensibly directed by Jonathan Liebesman who proved in Battle: Los Angeles that he has no sense of screen direction, pacing, atmosphere or suspense. The performances are bland, yet that’s as much a fault of the script as the actors. I suppose it’s competently made, but that’s the nicest thing you can say. It’s a boilerplate summer blockbuster with little originality or excitement. It’s the usual Ninja Turtles origin story with a few needless twists, plenty of bad one-liners, a little pizza hut cross promotion, a pile of CGI action, etc. This blockbuster reboot movie is exactly what you’d expect. Raphael is cool but crude (gimmie a break). Leonardo leads (and is Johnny Knoxville). Shredder shows up to fight the turtles with big blades (he grunts a lot).

William Fichter appears as an evil businessman to add an extra villain (it’s pointless). Will Arnett pops up as O’Neil’s cameraman in an attempt to add humor (he doesn’t). Why? No particular reason other than trying to expand a backstory that didn’t need expanding. Then, in a move pulled directly from Marc Webb’s crappy Amazing Spider-man playbook, the screenwriters toss in needless backstory that ties Megan Fox’s scientist parents to the turtles’ origin. Turns out they’re the Ninja Turtles, with all that implies. One night, she spots a few warriors fighting back against the foot clan. We follow ace reporter April O’Neil (Megan Fox giving porn star looks to children’s entertainment once more) who is obsessed with cracking the case of the evil ninja foot clan plaguing the city to make her career. The film unfolds pretty much how you’d expect. Otherwise, you just can’t go home again.” “If you’re someone who can’t separate your childhood Turtles infatuation from the reality of the cynical produced product it was, you might fall for the movie.